The Scent of Hope: L’Eau Verte du Bronx du Sud


Can scent bring optimism to a neighborhood struggling with poverty, drugs and survival?  Majora Carter, a community activist in the South Bronx in New York City, TED speaker and the woman who is 'greening the ghetto' believes it can.  

That’s why she teamed up with an unlikely duo-  two French perfumers  Bruno Jovanovic and Pascal Gaurin from IFF who created L'Eau Verte du Bronx du Sud (the Green Water of the South Bronx ).The fragrance  isn’t intended for personal use; its purpose was create  an ambiance of wellbeing at the  low-income housing development—the Sister Thomas Apartments.   

In conjunction with a project funded by Prolitec,  they believe that by diffusing L'Eau Verte du Bronx du Sud into the hallways and common rooms, that the residents will feel uplifted. 

Aromatherapy has been used for centuries and has proven beneficial and therapeutic effects. Carter explains, "The part of your brain that senses scent can allow you to feel really bad about what you see in front of you—or really good—depending on what it is."

Majora Carter’s project empowers the noses of her subjects in the Bronx and offers a bit of respite in their fight to make their neighborhood a better place to live.

If you  haven't seen  Majora Carter speak on TED here is the video


– Michelyn Camen, Editor-in-Chief

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  • Sometimes ideas can become bigger than we expected them to be, right? And how great is that!

  • What will compose this fragrance. What if the residents are sensitive to fragrance. This is pollution. You could be polluting their environment.

  • this fragrance is composed with lavender and a high degree of natural ingredients and was tested many times. if you read about majora Carter, shes an environmentalist and is fighting air pollution in the south bronx..