The Winner of Parfums Lalun Natural Fragrances Between Silence to Light Perfume Draw

Maggie Mahboubian in her Los angeles garden

Maggie Mahboubian spent eleven years of intense study before debuting her all natural Parfums Lalun fragrances. Lalun Naturals is named after the village of Lalun in the Alborz mountains of Iran where Maggie’s family owned some property. On weekends her family would drive from Tehran along a treacherous road to picnic under a walnut tree by the river, gather wild fruits and honey. It was Maggie’s mother who first suggested she name her company “Lalun”, not only recalling the sublime landscape of her youth, but evoking the moon and it’s cyclical effects, a profound symbol for her efforts to help reconnect to nature and to the seasons

Thanks to Maggie we have a reader's choice draw of any the new Parfum Lalun natural fragrances: "La Lune de Miel" "Phenomene Verte" "Blanche du Bois" "Qajar Rose" or "Aqua di Callitris". The winner of the random draw is Lethe who chose blanche du bois. Please email  with Blanche du Bois as your subject and your complete mailing details by November 3, 2012 8:00 PM EST.

We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume