The 10 Winners of November’s Spilled Perfume “Notes & Perfume Ingredients” Draw

Perfume Notes and Ingredients


One of our most popular monthly features is CaFleureBon Notes & Ingredients in Perfumery, which is chock full of factual and fantastical information (beware of ginger fed beetles and if you need a little cash paint some patchouli oil on a piece of paper to attract wealth) about popular perfume notes.  We have added a page PERFUME & INGREDIENTS to the right of ABOUT US at the top of our home page.

Your task  was  to list the top five most popular (most page views) articles in the exact order.

Here is the exact order

1.CaFleureBon Vanilla and Chocolate Notes in Perfumery "Baby its Cold OutThere"

2. CaFleureBon:Tropical Flowers and Fruits in Perfumery

3.  CaFleureBon:Tuberose in Perfumery – Dangerous Pleasure

4. : CaFleureBon: Roses in Perfumery

5.  CaFleureBon: The Orange Tree, Neroli, Orange Blossom and Citrus in Perfumery

No commentor got it right

The results from the random draw:

Exotica candle by JoAnne Bassett ALL NATURAL   BRIE

Sarah Horowitz Parfums Perfect Vanilla  KAREN

50 ML Etat Libre D'Orange Like This Tilda Swinton  MIM666

Serge Lutens: 50 ML Five O'Clock au Gigembre  TAMA

15 ML of Ginger Lily EDP Providence Perfume Co. ALL NATURAL  BREATHES GELATIN

Imaginary Authors Sample Set   BORKO BORIS

USA addresses only Standard Pleasures ($35/month), Angel Room Service subscription for one year LUMPKIN LUV

 Ormonde Jayne London Discovery Set of 12 X 2mL vials LORRAINE

15mL press sample of Parfum D'Empire Musc Tonkin  FABRICE

Purusa Natural from Sherri Sebastian Sample Set  SUJAAN

To claim your prize email with your complete mailing details, your phone number (for intl shipping),and as the subject. If you were not named you are not the winner.  THE EXACT NAME OF YOUR PRIZE (I.E. Exotica Candle by JoAnne Bassett by December 19, 2012 1PM EST. This is a deadline


We announce the winners only on site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize will be just spilled perfume