Juniper Ridge Cologne and Cabin Spray- The Winner


hall newbegin juniper ridge

Hall Newbegin, Chief Wildcrafter and Founder of Juniper Ridge Natural Fragrances

Profile: I always think of myself as being an accidental perfumer. I grew up in Portland, Oregon and spent my summers hiking and backpacking around the lakes and peaks of the Casacades – Mt. Hood, Mt Jefferson, The Three Sister

Thanks to Hall and the team at Juniper Ridge we have a random (USA only) draw. The winner is susie frankel who chose   Siskiyou Backpacker's Cologne Please email michelyn at cafleurebon dot com by August 20, 2013 12:30 PM EST with SISKIYOU BACKPACKERS COLOGNE  as your subject and complete mailing details. THIS IS A DEADLINE AND NO EXCEPTIONS CAN BE MADE


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We announce the winners on our site and on our Facebook page, so Like Cafleurebon and use our RSS option…or your dream prize wil be just spilled perfume