The Six Wives of Henry VIII: “Get to Know Your Family Tree” + The Tudors Draw

Divorced, beheaded, died; divorced, beheaded, survived.” the Tudor family tree and draw

This refrain often serves as a soundbite for the tumultuous chain of events which defines the notorious series of marriages of King Henry VIII of England
Ps Watch for what Pippa Middleton’s is wafting she is getting almost as much attention as the new Duchess of Cambridge and possibly future Queen of England).

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OSCAR SPOTLIGHT Part 1: Classic Fragrances in Classic Movie Moments + ‘Butterfield 8’ CaronTabac Blond Draw

Movies are one of our greatest forms of story telling time to give perfumes in Academy award nominated and winning films their ‘props’. Grace Kelly Hitchcock Rear Window (1954) declares, “A woman going anywhere but the hospital would always take perfume.. enter our OscarSpotlight MiNNewYork ‘Butterfield 8’ Caron Tabac Blond draw

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